About Us

The Emergency Clearinghouse Association is a Christian faith-based organization that began in 1981. Under the direction of Rev. Ed. Clydesdale of the Presbyterian Church, the organization's founding purpose was to have a central point, or clearinghouse, through which all applications for emergency assistance could be screened. An Emergency Clearinghouse would prevent those in need from having to go door to door to local churches and organizations seeking help. In its early days, the Clearinghouse provided assistance for everything from prescription medication funds, to transportation, to groceries. As the program and needs grew, the Association's mission and focus became meeting the needs of those with food insecurity, and the Food Pantry that you know and see today was born.
Despite the demand of keeping our doors open and our shelves stocked 5 days a week, we have remained an entirely volunteer-run organization, from our board and administration to our daily staff. We have moved, adapted, and grown throughout the years, but our goal is the same.
Our Vision: That all residents of Pickaway County have food security.
Our Mission: To provide food to Pickaway County residents in need as we demonstrate our values of stewardship, compassion, dependability, and respect.